Tuesday, June 9, 2015

End-of-year slide show

This slide show celebrates our Grade 1 year.

My Strengths

We enjoyed a special end-of-year time to celebrate everyone's strengths. Each child had a special time at the front of the class and other children shared their strengths. Afterwards the children drew and wrote about their strengths. I think they are so wonderful and so them!

End-of-year assembly

To celebrate the end-of-the year and our time of transitions we have our last whole school assembly.  We sang many songs and did some dancing to celebrate the year. The Fairy Respect God Mother (Claire Kirk)  gifts the leaving teachers sashes and we all wish them a goodbye.  We have the Upper Primary Administration team magically turn the 2nd graders into 3rd graders, with the help of chimes, the children turning 3 times around and fairy dust!  It is all rather beautifully done and the end-of-the year transition celebrated.  Here are some fuzzy photos!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Class visits

Here are a few photographs of the R2 class visiting our room. The children did a wonderful job of showing and sharing our classroom.

E Everything party!

The E Everything party was such fun.  We had a disco dance party. The children gave me music requests and then did some incredible dancing!  We also enjoyed having our own choice time and sharing our furry friends.