Reading Strategies
Everyday Mathematics Student Login
LP Online Resources
When your child is reading to you, the aim is for them to have a positive, learning experience. We can encourage you to follow the PAUSE, PROMPT, PRAISE routine. Firstly, PAUSE for a full 5 seconds before saying anything. They will often figure it out on their own. They might be looking at you to see if you will give them the word, however resist this at first. If they don't decode the word give them a hint or a PROMPT. You can use the list of strategies below and ask them what strategy or strategies they have tried or are trying. Perhaps prompt for them to use another strategy. If they do not decipher the word, you can tell them the word. Following this PRAISE them for using the reading strategies to figure out the word.
Everyday Mathematics has a website with online programs to assist your child with our curriculum. These programs can be accessed from any computer that has internet access. We have sent home a list of the student's login and passwords. Please find below tips to help you login if needed.
LP Online Resources
HKIS has paid for some great online resources. We have been using these resources to enhance inquiry and learning. You are able to use these great resources at home too. First you need to logon to Dragonet. Then you will automatically be directed to the websites and do not need to enter any login or password. On the dragonet website you would need to click on the following things.
Library and Tech
Online resources
The main websites I use and recommend are below.
This is for reading books online. There are fiction and nonfiction books. Plus a quiz let you can do after you read a book.
This has short simple cartoons explaining different topics.
This has 1000's of real images you can search safely.
This is a website to research things of interest which are age-appropriate.
This website has videos. You can search exactly what you are looking for and put in the age range.
Why Learn High Frequency Words?
High frequency words (sight words) are words that students encounter frequently in reading and writing. It is critical that readers and writers develop automaticity (automatic recognition), a skill that leads to fluency. "Students need to be able to read the first 300 Instant Words "instantly" without a moment's hesitation, because these 300 words make up 65% of all written material" (Frye). Comprehension begins to break down when students are focused on trying to decode or sound out the words.
Some high frequency words do not follow regular phonetic rules. They do not follow easy spelling patterns (example: cave, Dave, save, wave, gave, have) As a result, these words are more difficult for students to master. Asking children to "sound it out" is pointless and generally causes increased frustration for most struggling readers. Beginning readers need to recognize these words as "sight words". "In order for students to retain a difficult word, they need many opportunities to experience and manipulate it (Throop).
Much of our language has been adapted from other languages during its development. One sixth of the words survived from old English and almost all of those words are high frequency words.
The assessments are completed at the end of every unit and we use these at HKIS to see the progress your child is making.
For your information, Part A of the assessment has questions that your child should be able to answer. We have had opportunities to practice these skills and concepts in class. Part B has questions that the children will receive further practice with in the next unit. It is not necessary at this time that these questions are answered correctly. It provides us with an opportunity to see how your child is currently working.
The assessment is just for your general information to let you have another glimpse into their math work at school. It does not need to be corrected or returned. Thank you for taking the time to show your child how proud you are of their progress in Grade 1.
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