After School Activities

If you are making a change of how your child is going home after activities you must inform the provider and the after school office.  Please do not contact the classroom teacher about this.  

These are the contact numbers for the Activities office:

Office Mobile: 2812 5620
Flossie Direct: 2812 5620
Richard Direct: 3149 7837 & 6772 6534  
Dean Direct and Mobile: 3149 7884 & 9108 3027


  • Arranging date-email teacher a week or so before the birthday
  • On the birthday please send in or bring in  20 individual treats so that each child has a one.
  • It is optional for parents to come to celebrate and eat cake.  Or just send the treat in the morning.
  • We make an Important Book for each birthday child


Non-HKIS Community Activities (Ex. Piano Lessons)
Please email two school days prior to the requested change.

Ex. Request for a Wednesday change must be received by 5pm the Monday prior
Approval is contingent upon space availability
Emailed confirmation will be sent prior to date

Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals

Check in at the office before going to the classrooms.
Late Arrivals are after 7:55am
Early Dismissals need occur by 2pm
Sign in/out your child in the office and get a PASS to take up to the teacher.
Students won’t be released without a pass from the office.
Please notify teachers in advance for any expected early dismissals.


Nut Free SchoolPlease use the distributed list of prohibited nut products to ensure that your child’s lunches and snacks are nut-free.  (pg. 15 of Parent Handbook)
Fever FreeIf a student is sick and has a fever above 37.5C or 99. 5F, by school policy they must be temperature free (without medication) for 48 hours before  returning to school.

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