Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bucket Fillers!

We are learning about how to be 'bucket fillers' and help our learning community. We read the book below, which is a daily happiness guide for kids. This books shares the idea that everyone has a bucket and we fill other people's buckets by being kind, helpful, sharing a smile, being a friend and saying nice things.  When we do these positive things then we become 'bucket fillers'.  We also learn that if we say mean things, leave others out and are unkind we become 'bucker dippers', because we dip from the other child's bucket and take things out.  The children drew their own bucket filling pictures.  During the week we share some friends in the class who are being bucket dippers and what they did.  We collect these names. At the end of the week we pull a name from our bucket and that child gets a special treat.  Last week it was extra time on the i-pads.  This is working out to be an effective positive way to help the children visualize how being kind to other's counts.

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