Wednesday, January 21, 2015


George Kaye worked with our class this week on computers.  We started at the basics, how to hold the computer, press the buttons carefully and wait patiently.  We began were starting to use the computer for research. We learned how to put only key words into the search and how to find images.

At present we are having a weekly technology lesson with George. We will be using the i-pads to learn how to research next week.

Mealworm excitement!

Today each child was given a mealworm. We will observe and study the mealworms and learn through this observation about their life cycles. If possible do not teach your child about a mealworm life cycle yet. It would be much more beneficial if your child got to experience and observe it for themselves.  So I am asking you not to give the game away!  I do know that sometimes older siblings or other children share the life cycle.  If this happens I have asked the children who know the life cycle of a mealworm to keep the secret.

The children each received a mealworm today.  About 1/3 of the children were brave enough to hold them. There was so much excitement about them. We have learned how to look after an animal, how to care, what it needs, and to be careful. 

Life Cycles

This unit will develop students' understanding of the life cycle concept by observing classroom organisms (animal and plant). Children will understand that all living things grow and change during their life and this cycle is never-ending. Plants and animals have life cycles that include a predictable sequence of stages. By understanding the uniqueness of life cycles stages, students will be better able to appreciate and respect the diversity of all living things.  This week we first observed, studied and planted a seed. 

We also enjoyed adding our questions to our wonder wall.  These questions included how do seeds grow, when does a life cycle start, why is it a cycle, where do eggs come from and why are we breaking up animals' habitats?  Such great questions.